+90 535 340 1269

Serhan Delareyna

Hello Everyone,

My name is Serhan Delareyna, I am a 2012 graduate of Ulus Jewish Schools in Istanbul, Turkey. I have studied Industrial Engineering in Worcester Polytechnic institute in Massachusetts, and graduated in February 2016. Currently I am working as an Industrial Engineer in California in Tesla Motors, with the goal of accelerating the world’s transition into sustainable energy.

Project based learning and curiosity for seeking for improvement definitely played a major role in my life. My project experience started in Ulus Jewish Schools, when I, along with my classmate Izel Avimelek, have attended to the I-SWEEEP Science Project Olympiad with an Alternative Energy House design which utilized a special roof to collect rainwater and solar energy, and aimed to create a house that can sustain itself. We got the chance to interact with students from all around the world and we were awarded a Silver Medal in the competition.

That was the time that I realized that if I want something to happen, I should just get out there and start doing it. Learning the theory of something definitely provided me with a lot of knowledge, but applying it brought a whole different perspective. That’s why I chose Worcester Polytechnic Institute as a college, a university that values and encourages project based learning. I had the chance to travel to Costa Rica and work with the National Fire Department of Costa Rica, in order to improve fire prevention and safety inspection procedures in the country. I have also worked with Millipore Sigma, a pharmaceutical company that is subsidiary of Merck KGaA, in order to apply lean manufacturing techniques and optimize changeover process. I have always aimed to use my skills to solve problems that would save lives and improve the current status of the world.

Exposure to global project based learning helped me work with global companies, get to know new cultures and business environments and utilize multiple languages to express myself and explain my projects. I have learned to never be afraid of speaking up and contributing ideas, you never know what they could grow into. I have also learned to always pursue my goals and interests and at the same time I made sure those aligned with creating a better future for next generations. For all of my friends who are in their education phase right now, I would highly recommend to try to apply your knowledge and observe outcomes any chance you get. Try to interact with people from different background and cultures to gain multiple perspectives on global problems and take advantage of all the project competition and other opportunities offered by educational institutions and other organizations. If you want your voice heard, you got to speak up and start taking part in shaping the world’s future! Chase your goals and dreams, and have fun while doing so! 80% of the path that leads to success is dedication. Remember Thomas Edison, who had 1,000 tries before he invented the light bulb. I would like to thank my teacher and advisor Mr. Talha Kilic and all my other tutors who have played a role in opportunities presented to me, and wish fellow students good luck in pursuing their aspirations.

Best Regards…